How is Craniosacral bodywork helpful for newborns and infants?
Often babies have some area of tightness or compression that causes unnecessary stress on the nerves that supply the body. After a Craniosacral treatment the tight or compressed areas are relaxed and free to move, and your baby will be able to let go of this stress, which relieves the symptoms.
How does a tongue tie affect the musculoskeletal and myofascial systems of the body?
A simple analogy:
Find one of your sweater's. Take a handful of the back of it and tie an elastic hair band securely around it. Now put the sweater on and see how differently and tightly it fits. Can you feel how restricted the sweater is?
How it feels uncomfortable, rubbing the wrong way against your back? Now its tight and less roomy through the front, across your chest and sternum. Try to reach overhead and in front of you. Lay down and try to get comfortable with your head on a pillow. Now visualize this. The sweater is your FASCIA. You can NOT take this sweater off. You must wear it all day and sleep in it. Everyday, every year through your developmental years and as you grow into adulthood. Now it makes sense why releasing this restricted fascia positively and significantly affects the whole body!
It is highly recommended to consider CranioSacral therapy for babies with:
Forceps or vacuum extraction delivery
C-section delivery
Breech or transverse in utero position
Prolonged labor or pushing time
Short labor or pushing time
Any type of Birth Trauma
Pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes, illness, preterm labor, etc.)
History of decreased movements in utero
You may also want to consider Craniosacral therapy for your baby if you notice:
Flat spots or bulges anywhere on the head
Overlapping sutures anywhere on the head (this is usually felt as ridges on the head)
Uneven ear position (one may be higher or more forward in comparison to the other one)
Uneven eye position (one eye sits higher in comparison to the other)
Strong head preference to one side (how to spot this? note what side your baby's head is during routine care like diaper changes, is it always to the same side? Look at photos you have taken of your baby, notice if the head turns to the same side in every picture.)
Stiff movements
Decreased flexibility
Decreased eye contact or "glazed over" eyes
Or if your baby has:
Reflux symptoms
Excessive gas
Sleep problems
Decreased feeding skills or latch (bottle or breast)
Eczema or other skin irritation
Weak, hoarse or squeaky cry
Discomfort when positioned in a car seat
Discomfort during tummy time
Recurrent ear infections
Arching through the back
Carol Grey demonstrating infant CST treatment.
Overview of newborn CST